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Fallen Page 7

  Or so she should be.

  Why didn’t the sin of lust appeal to her more? Was it simply that it intimidated her? It was the one sin she hadn’t attempted yet. Wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. It wasn’t as though she needed instruction, but then again, she could use a few pointers.

  Cooper had guessed right, she was a virgin. That didn’t make her stupid, just…inexperienced regarding that one small aspect of mortal life. She’d pick it up as easily as she picked pockets. But what was the rush? She didn’t need a romance, not while she was focused on slaying the Fallen.

  He just had to quit distracting her.

  The kiss Cooper had given her had been excellent. And easy. Pyx suspected what followed a simple kiss would be a bit more complicated. And desirable. Probably as delicious as bananas and chocolate crepes.

  Nothing was going to intimidate her. Not the curiosity about sex. Not even a sexy Fallen one who liked to flirt and made sure the lusty compulsion never left her thoughts. He certainly had sex on the brain.

  And that made it weird that Cooper had no interest whatsoever in his muse. Pyx knew the Fallen could have sex with any mortal woman, but could only garner his own pleasure from a muse. Which also meant his flirtations with her meant little. He couldn’t get pleasure from her, so why bother?

  Angels. They were a strange lot.

  “So what’s this spell all about?” Cooper returned and sat on the velvet sofa. He set a ceramic cellar of pink sea salt on the table. He leaned back and patted the cushion next to him. “Take a load off.”

  Relenting to the draw of comfort—and not his invitation—Pyx sat and picked up the salt cellar. “It’ll open your senses to your muse. You okay with that?”

  “I could be.”

  Tilting her head so she could not see the flex of muscles that moved his powerful thighs as he shifted his weight, Pyx poured out the salt on the table. He smelled…not bad. Warm? Couldn’t be; the angel’s blood was cold.

  “Bubble gum.”

  His sudden remark made her almost drop the salt cellar. “What?”

  “That’s what you smell like.”

  “I know, but…” Could he have been aware she was just trying to place his scent? Impossible. An angel could only influence mortal minds. “That was an easy one.” She snapped her gum. “But you?”

  “Do I smell?” The voice whispered so close to her ear, Pyx did drop the cellar. Salt spilled in a pile on the coffee table. “Sorry. Do you know what you’re doing?”

  “I do.” Slipping off the sofa to kneel on the floor before the table put a little distance between them, but he was still close enough that his knees were right there, next to her shoulder. “You do smell. Can’t figure what it is.”



  “The headboard of the bed is made from cedar, as are the drawers. I think that’s what it is.” He sniffed his sleeve. “I kind of like it.”

  She kind of did, too.

  Oh, bloody stupid demon. Focus!

  Forcing her attention to the task, Pyx tightened her jaw and began to draw a warding symbol in the salt that she innately knew was correct. Crystal stones would prove helpful to focus the energy, but she could work without them.

  “I thought salt was dangerous to demons?”

  “It is if you shoot it at the normal ones.”

  “Normal demons?” He scoffed. “I think that’s an oxy-moron.”

  “Who are you calling a moron?”

  “No one, sweetie.”

  “Darn straight. We Sinistari are tough. Hard to permeate our steel flesh.”

  He stroked her elbow with his thumb. “And yet, you feel oh, so soft.”

  Pyx ignored the twang in her belly that his touch ignited. Cedar, eh? “Just a costume. As is yours.”

  “But you like mine. I’ve seen you looking.”


  And warm. And smelled good. And strapped with muscles she wanted to touch and maybe…lick. And he still stroked her skin, which made her want to move closer so he’d stroke other places on her, and that would make her forget about what she wanted to do right now. It was all tied to her lacking indulgence in lust and if she really wanted to prove herself to the Sinistari then she should dive in, deep.

  But not with a Fallen one.

  “Can I get started with this?”

  “We agreed to bargain if I’m to allow you to perform such a spell. I go first.”

  “I thought it was women first?”

  “Not in this situation.”

  With a sigh Pyx pressed her back against the sofa. Tapping the coffee table with her fingers, she tilted her head all the way back to look upside down at Cooper. “Fine, thought you wanted to hunt halos?”

  “Changed my mind.”

  “So? What do you want?”

  “Another kiss.”

  Pyx sat upright. Why did that request not surprise her? As well, how could those two simple words flush her neck and send the heat down across her breasts? It had just been two words!

  “Why do you want to make out with the one who wants to kill you?”

  Cooper slid off the sofa to sit next to her. He leaned in close to her face. His scent teased at her need to stay focused. “Maybe it’ll earn me a reprieve from your death wish.”

  He was pushing it. And those gray-and-azure eyes sparkled with thoughts Pyx didn’t want to know about.

  Yes, she did.


  Oh, crap, she did.

  It truly fascinated her that this Fallen one wanted to go on a quest for his halo as opposed to wreaking havoc. Angels were experts at havoc, and smiting.

  Yet here he sat, completely shameless and oh, so charming. He could have her in the palm of his hand with a “please.” The enemy!

  Well, as Cooper had stated earlier, the best place to put the enemy was as close as possible. And close was looking pretty good right now. And, man, did she like the smell of it.

  Pyx closed her eyes. And waited.

  A minty snicker huffed across her mouth.

  Not opening her eyes, she asked, “What?”

  “You’re waiting for me to do all the work?”

  Wasn’t that the man’s job? Besides, she needed time. There was a learning curve to this kind of interaction. And he’d had two weeks longer than she to perfect his moves.

  “You wanted a kiss, angel, you come and get it.”

  The invitation was answered more swiftly than expected. He slid a hand behind her back and pulled her to his body at the same time his mouth found hers. Pulled onto his lap, Pyx couldn’t decide if she wanted to struggle or snuggle closer. His insistence was overwhelming, yet the kiss was soft and gentle, not so commanding as to put her off.

  Sliding a knee to either side of his thighs, she straddled him without breaking the intense contact.

  The sensation of touch was extreme with her mouth pressed to this man’s mouth. She could feel…everything. His lips were soft, the skin tender and different than on his arm or face.

  The sensual feeling didn’t stay at her mouth. It scurried over her flesh and left a tingly wake. And those sparkles absolutely beamed. This was…nice.

  And did she really need to concern herself with slayage 24/7? There wasn’t another Sinistari within miles of this Fallen. No one would know.

  Drawing a hand along Cooper’s thigh, Pyx couldn’t help but note how firm and muscled it was. Powerful.

  Power impressed her. Power made her feel…safe. Protected. It was an odd feeling to have, but she didn’t question it. Not now. Now was for the moment. A moment to learn and experience.

  Cooper groaned into her mouth. The wanting sound softened her last defenses. His entire body sought hers, pressing chest to chest, hands gliding over her arms, and melding muscle along muscle. He sought touch, and she’d be darned if she didn’t want to give it to him and in turn, receive touch.

  Threading her fingers into his hair she tugged him closer, deepening the kiss. Despite the m
inty coolness of his breath the kiss was hot. It melted her like the gooey chocolate inside a folded crepe.

  So this was why the Sinistari jumped right in with the indulging in lust stuff? Certainly was more satisfying than cramming a blade into an angel’s heart. Mostly. She had nothing to compare it to. Yet.

  “You taste like bubble gum,” he muttered as he nudged his nose near her ear and licked the lobe of it.

  “I swallowed it when you kissed me.”

  A new sensation made Pyx flinch giddily. His thumb brushed over her nipple, strangely hard beneath the soft cotton T-shirt. The quick zing surprised her, yet she could go for another, so she melted against his palm, encouraging his exploration.

  “Mmm, yes, tilt your head and let me lick your neck.” Hot breath skittered down her skin as he kissed her neck, under her ear. “Never thought a demon would be so damned delicious.”

  The stroke of his tongue along her neck reminded her of what he was capable. “You’re not giving me an angelkiss?”

  An angel could lick a path on mortal skin that would itch interminably, and act as a beacon so the angel could track said mortal. Usually it was the muse who received the angelkiss.

  “Only works on mortals,” he murmured. “My tongue won’t make you itch, Pyx, unless it’s an itch for more. Mmm, down here?” He tickled the rise of her breast with his tongue. It felt so good she couldn’t think about how wrong this was. “You are definitely all woman.”

  By now that declaration shouldn’t bother her, but for some reason it did. Pyx pulled her fingers from Cooper’s hair and pressed a palm at her breast where he was moving his tongue lower beneath the T-shirt neckline. “I can still take you, even if I am a girl.”

  “Didn’t say you couldn’t.” He nipped her finger. When she pulled away, he softly bit her nipple through the T-shirt. “Kind of like how you want to kill me but at the same time you’re having a bit of fun, aren’t you?”

  “Kissing is a new experience.” She tried to sound bored, but really, this was fabulous. “Oh, what’s that?”

  He ground his hips against hers. The hardness she felt against her groin was long and thick. “I have a dagger, too,” he said. “And it’s not called Joe.”

  “Let’s see.”

  Cooper suddenly pulled out of their embrace. He gave her the wonkiest look, half concerned, half bizarre with a raised brow added for effect. “You have no idea how all this works, do you?”

  “What works? Kissing?” She tugged a lock of her thick red hair and wrapped it about a finger. “Don’t you think I kiss well?”

  “You do.” He kissed her quickly, then kissed her finger through the hair wrapped about it. “But you’re not up on what comes next, I figure. You did walk the world?”


  “Did you happen to watch any couples having sex?”

  “That would be rude!”

  “A demon with morals? Where in your handbook does it say pillage and steal without a thought, yet close your eyes to the sexy stuff?”

  “I thought it was personal. You know.”

  “Yeah? Well, the dagger in my pants is not something for show and tell. When I bring this guy out, it means business. And I don’t think we’re ready for sex.”

  “Sex? I thought we were just kissing?”

  He jumped up from the floor and shrugged a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe I said that. Woman, you are confusing my sense of wrong and right.”

  “Sounds like a problem.” She turned to the table where the salt ward needed some readjusting. “Perhaps you should let me guide you down your destined path and you wouldn’t have all this extra silly stuff to worry about?”

  “Kissing isn’t silly.”

  “I was talking about finding your muse.”

  He didn’t seem as though he would kiss her again. Bummer. That had been fun. Somehow she had led him to believe they could have sex. She had definitely missed something between the kisses to her neck and him touching her nipple.

  Oh! This was complicated.

  “Let’s get to it then.” Cooper eased a hand over his jeans in the front then sat on the couch. Not touching her.

  Yep, what they’d just done felt wrong. But she couldn’t quite put a finger on why. Hmm, guilt? Another sin to add to her list.

  Pyx sighed and leaned over the salt circle. It was as good as it was going to get without the crystals. She spread out her fingers and closed her eyes—then remembered. “I’ll need your blood.”

  “Are you trying to attract vampires?”


  She drew out Joe. The dagger was three-pronged down each side of the blade and the tip of it had been soaked in qeres, an angel poison. But it only worked when embedded in the angel’s heart. It would serve little harm to the mortal flesh the Fallen wore as costume.

  “For the spell to work it has to be focused on you,” she explained. “Just a few drops. Give me a finger. Unless you’re scared?”

  “Not scared of anything, especially not a pretty little demon with a big bad blade she calls Joe.”

  He pointed out a finger, and Pyx grabbed his wrist. “I’m not afraid of anything, either.”

  Well, it had to be said. She couldn’t let him think she was scared of something. Which she was not. Nope, not even kissing.

  She poked the tip of his finger with Joe. Vivid blue droplets dripped onto the table in the center of the salt circle, puddling and misting as if dry ice. Angel blood was cold, opposite her hot blood. She bet if a vampire bit into Cooper’s neck the bloodsucker would get a major brain freeze before the inevitable explosion.

  She noticed Cooper looked away. “Sight of blood make you woozy? So you are afraid of something.”

  “No, I… It’s just…” He shook his head and ran his free hand over his scalp.


  “No, it’s blue, damn it! It’s not red like mortal blood.”

  “Yeah, and mine is black. So what?”

  “It’s a reminder of how much I don’t want what I am right now.”

  “I don’t understand that. You are very powerful. You’re an angel. You can flash all over, persuade mortals to bend to your will, never have to spend a dime, rip hearts out of vampire chests…”

  “The less you understand about me, the easier it will be to shove the blade in deep when the time comes, eh?” He tugged his finger from her grip and stuck his hand in his pocket. “Get on with your spell then.”

  Demonic power vibrated through Cooper’s living room. It shook the salt crystals on the table and rattled the plates and glasses in the kitchen.

  Pyx stood over the table, shoulders proudly thrust back and one hand held over the salt ward, fingers splayed. She recited a spell in myriad tongues. It echoed bellicose and then harmonic. Cooper recognized a few of the tones as angelic in origin. He wagered the Sinistari had no idea that some of the languages her magic encompassed had originated Above.

  As the spell took on weight, the air in the room lightened so Cooper felt he could float. Pyx’s hair spread about her like a fiery crown, defying gravity.

  He admired her beauty and elegance. Yes, she was possessed of both those aspects, though she herself felt awkward and as if she did not fit in anywhere. She fit into his idea of life, no matter that her intentions against him were deadly. For this moment, at least. Tomorrow may change his mind.

  Truthfully, he feared her power. The blade she carried close to her heart could kill him. But he also embraced the challenge of turning her head, if not her heart. And if he could convince the demon that he wasn’t such an awful angel he would not have to kill her in self-defense.

  Pyx, alive, and in his embrace, suited him fine.

  Suddenly Pyx swung toward him, bringing her hand up and facing it palm-out. The force of the ward, imprinted upon her palm, surged outward. Cooper took the supernatural punch against his lower left torso—right where his sigil marked him from the angelic dominions.

  Set off his feet, he toppled and caught h
is hands against the wall behind him. His sigil burned and he let out a yelp.

  The room settled.

  Pyx’s hair spilled upon her shoulders and down her arms. She lowered her arm. The clatter of kitchen porcelain stopped.

  Cooper gasped in a breath and slapped a palm to his abdomen. The sigil no longer burned.

  He met Pyx’s eyes, and as a grin curved her red lips, he found himself smiling in response. It was a drunken reaction to what she’d just done to him. Violated him in a way. Marked him. And he’d given her permission to do so.

  Now he’d be more open to finding his muse.

  He slid down against the wall. His legs were weak for no other reason than he wasn’t sure what he’d allowed the demon to do to him. Did she have the upper hand now? No, he could resist if he happened to stumble across his muse. It was ridiculous to think he’d be compelled to have sex with her. A farce! He’d agreed to let the demon do the spell only so he would see the muse coming before he stumbled onto her—and that would allow him time to turn and run the other way.

  “I’ll leave you to stew,” Pyx said. “Let that spell sink in nice and deep, big boy. Dream sweet dreams of your muse. Nighty night.”

  The demon strode out of Cooper’s apartment.

  “The only woman I’m going to dream about,” he muttered, and now managed a genuine smirk, “just touched me with a wicked spell.”

  Chapter 6

  It was nearing nine in the evening and the patio outside the café was lit with lights strung about the posts and along the iron railing. The autumn air was sharp and cool. Cooper appreciated the four seasons and looked forward to experiencing winter. His mortal costume felt extremes of weather acutely. Snowboarding a packed run appealed to his sense of adventure.

  He thanked the waitress who had refilled his coffee and then looked out at the Seine. It twinkled with the reflection from the passing tourist boats, which were strung with lights.

  A couple walked hand in hand outside the iron railing that blocked off the café from the street. The man pushed a stroller. Cooper nodded and tipped his cup to them.

  It seemed a long shot to give a moment’s thought to some day having a family and walking along the Seine to the Tuileries where he could push his children on the swings and toss bread bits to the ducks in the octagon pond.